A celebrational totem of everyday objects, stool, plate, jug and a lamp. Made out of aluminum, produced in smelters in Iceland utilizing the hydroelectric powers of rivers in the islands highlands.
The work is a thought experiment on the seemingly strangle hierarchical division between objects in our homes, ornament and function. We have objects that we show proudly in homes, still there are other more mundane, everyday objects that we keep hidden away in cupboards and drawers. The work is a celebration of the everyday, linking together the functional with the decorative. Once assembled a collection of mundane objects becomes a decorative totem of the everyday.
Utilising the only company using Icelandic aluminium for their production. The objects are labour intensive, hand crafted objects. Sand casted in Málmsteypan Hella Iceland. (Metal Casting Workshop).
Mundane & Everyday
Exhibited at:
Mundane & Everyday exhibited in the New Nordic Exhibition at the Reykjavík Art Museum.
September 2018 - Mundane & Everyday exhibited at the New Nordic Exhibition, Old Truman Brewery, London.
August 2018 - Mundane & Everyday exhibited at the New Nordic Exhibition, Chart Design, Den Frie Copenhagen.
February 2015 - We Live Here exhibition at Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair
Collaboration with Málmsteypan Hella.
Comissioned by: Samál
Year: 2008