In 1968 Enzo Mari created a furniture system based on nail, hammer and wooden boards. He decided to shift the focus from the object to the process of selling knowledge and information. In doing so he empowered people to create their own basic in-house objects utilizing standardized materials and tools. He sold drawings in a book rather then the finished object. I feel that Enzo´s philosophy should be revisited and applied with contemporary materials and tools. Open source is the perfect platform for placing the designer as a system maker, director or a visionary. As a contemporary take I will use 3d printers and lasers as well as well known established standard processes. Through my thought experiments I have set down general ground rules:
1. I will divide my designs into functional elements and connection parts. Natural/local vs industrial/global.
2. 3d printers serve as tools to create connection parts between elements. As one analyzes the power of 3d printing it becomes clear that it should be used cleverly in small scale use.
3. Lasers serve as tools to create connection parts and and functions. Going from 2d to 3d.
4. Functional elements are natural local materials, stone, wood, leather, etc. This adds personal value for the object. Meaning no two objects are the same although they utilize the same drawings.
As a first step I have chosen the function of a lamp for it gives me the perfect parameters to play with, scale, basic function, elements to connect etc. Base, hight, light fixture.
Prototype One
Material: Basalt, pine, cow leather, zip-ties, 3D printed ABS
Client: Burst Open, Australia.
Exhibition: Gallery Artisan, Brisbane, Australia.
Year: 2014