Exhibition mixed media in order to manifest how the material aluminum relates to the island in various ways, through indistry, culture and the environment to name a few.
Málmsteypan Hellan (Company)
Arctic Trucks (Company)
Tinna Gunnarsdóttir (Designer)
Johanna Seleeman (Designer)
Björn Steinar Blumenstein (Designer)
Þórður Jörundsson (musician)
Stefán Finnbogason (musician)
iiif collective (Design studio)
icelandcarculture (instagram feed)
Jóhanna Vigdís Arnardóttir (actress)
Thomas Pausz (Designer)
Curated Exhibition at Aluminum Smelter Straumsvík, during DesignMarch 2017 and in Reyðarfjörður Aluminum Smelter during fall 2017.
Collaboration with Málmsteypan Hella.
Comissioned by: Samál
Year: 2017