“Barbara” is a near future design fiction based on an eponymous short story by Garðar Eyjólfsson. It recounts snippets of the first few decades of Barbara’s life and certain transformations she undergoes. The project is intended as a collaborative venue for various designers and artists to reflect on the intertwining possibilities between humans, technology, culture and the environment.

Fragmented translations and manifestations from the “Barbara” research will pop up here and there in the (un)foreseeable future exploring various platforms, formats and media.

-Barbara Lecture, reading, interactive experience at Space 10 Copenhagen in 2020.
-Presentation at Hugarflug, Research Coference at Iceland University of the Arts 2020.
-Performance at PARSE: Human Conference in Gothenburg 2019.
-Research lecture at Iceland University of the Arts 2019.

Collaborators: Marteinn Sindri Jónsson, Sigríður Birna Matthíasdóttir, Elín Margot, Þórður Jörundsson & Pauline Rip.

Year 2018-ongoing.

Official webpage: barbara.network